The children have special eye diseases, which should be treated, before it is too late. Of course we should treat the usual refractive errors (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism) as early as possible. But there also other, less usual eye diseases, that are more dangerous. Risc factors are the positive family history (that means that the parents of the child had had themselves eye diseases, when they were children) or the premature birth.
The ophthalmologist should be very careful to rule out the amblyopia. Amblyopia is an eye disease that affects one eye (and rarelier both of them), in which the eye becomes lazy. If the amblyopia is not treated on time, then it cannot be treated, not even with the proper glasses. The three dangerous conditions, that could lead to amblyopia and which the ophthalmologish has to rule out/treat are:
- the anisometropia (difference of the refractive errors between the two eyes)
- the strabismus
- the high refractive errors
These conditions should be treated ideally before the child becomes 7 years old. After that, it will be too late. That is the reason why the children should be under eye control, as early on age as possible.

With the Lang test we examinate the stereoscopic vision of the children